So yay! Today, a outfit post WITH my kicks for the people who enquired about my footwear/outfit selection! This is what I wore to work on Saturday:
Ahhh MY BEAUTIFUL NIKE AIR DIGGS! I love them to death, these are definitely my number 1 out of 100 or so! Believe it, I think I love them more than my Nike x Liberty Dunks! I wore them with my off-shoulder H&M dress; which is fast becoming my favourite basic-body-hugging-black-dress, and a faux-denim shirt. Yes, you read it right FAUX DENIM lol! I've wanted a denim shirt for a while now, so I could use it to lure me out of my constant wearing of plaid shirts, but I found the ones on the high street to be a bit pricey. I know they remind most us of the tacky 90s and makes us remember the days when our mum's AND dad's wore them, sometimes matching too! The way they wore the push-button denim shirts done all the way up... *cringe*, I would have never thought I would one day want one. I knew my mum and dad had a couple, so I went rummaging through their wardrobe in search - it had to be somewhere! I am sure my dad wore it only a few months back..but no luck. So I interrogated every member of my household only to be told my fashion student sister had cut it up and cemented it on a broken mannequin for a project. Annoyed I was.
A few months down the line and the denim shirts are in full swing in all the high street stores. For a minimum of £20. No way mate. On Friday, I took advantage of my free day -no work, no University - and went to the market/car boot sale with my mum and found this faux-denim number - my workman's shirt! I think that was its original purpose but whatever it looks nice. And the price was even nicer: £1.50!!! Indeed people, nice price indeed. It was brand new too, with the labels still intact. And, my mum, being my mum, even tried to haggle it down to £1: FAIL, but she tried ^_^! Granted, it is not made of denim, but I saved at least £18.50 and it looks like a washed-out denim shirt which is all that matters...maybe not so much in the photos...but just believe me! I also got some other really, really good bits too! Lets just say every item was 50p or less! But that my beauties, that is for another post! Promise!
And my wedding hair bow! Love it! I got a "Ooo Katy Perry style" comment. Blah! Perry is not the only bow-wearer, sweet cheeks. My hair clip is big, white satin, and finished off with 80s style polka dot lace which reminds me of a wedding veil. Oh and £1 from Primark ;-). Ahh the love/hate Primark. How you please me some days, and fail me on others.
Everybody loves freebies. Especially freebies that you actually want, or ones which has associations with a passion or love that you possess. I have mentioned many of times about my part time retail job which I like to describe as my crack dealer. Sneakers being my crack and the store surrounding me with the newest kicks, luring me to buy the "crack"; hence why it is my crack dealer! I work in Footasylum which is a sneaker and men's fashion retailer (BOO! Wheres the women's wear at homes!) and as it is a relatively small company, they get some of the best brand POS (point of sale, promotional stuff basically) out there! I'm talking: Framed Nike Dunks pictures, Adidas Lamps, Adidas Cushions, 6ft tall Nike Dunk photo prints, Nike stickers, Nike badges, Nike chairs, Pointer Canvas bags, 3-D Adidas stickers, Hot keyrings ect. Over the last 2 years I have collected quite a bit of stickers and badges which I love, because they are all related to kicks! All the framed pictures and canvases are promo stuff for the season and they don't get used for very long. This is where I, being the eager beaver, come in and snatch up all the "unwanted" goods. There are a few of us working in the store so the name of the game is to be on point and place dibs quickly! You guys may have spotted I have a framed picture of a purple and white Nike Dunk in my room. It is huge and my pride and joy! Well know I have these to add to my collection - not that I have any room left!
Number 1: This was a one of 3 or 4 wooden framed canvases the store received for the 25th anniversary of the Nike AF1 back in 2006/7. It shows a classic photograph of the 6 basketball players that were originally chosen to promote the all white AF1 mid. 25 years later, the image is used again! I love it! I have been waiting for this piece for so long now but I finally have it:
EDIT: ARRRGGGGG I HATE PHOTOBUCKETTTT!!! I have apparently exceeded the bandwidth so all my images have been disabled until the 10th April! WTFFF!!!! That is too far away! I don't want to pay for the service, and blogger images upload too there a free photo/image hosting site that any of you guys recommend?! LET ME KNOW ASAP!
loved the outifit.
i love hi-top savage trainers- i onlt have a pair of rebok freestylers and i dont wear them enough, i think sometimes its a confidence thing and they're really friggin bright coloured!
you get away with them brilliantly!
im jealous
i like this outfit!
i nearly went nuts on the denim stuff i was tellin u bout on saturday...i nearly went back after work (lol)
erm them diggs were treated like gold....i switched into my dusty blazers at the rave!
and my shop is full of collectors so i'd have to fight just to get one of those....haha the same AF1 poster is on the floor at my workplace!im waiting for my chance...
that last pic on your blog is awesome I want something like that at my place lol, and ya I love your kick/trainers/sneakerss lol<3
rachie pie u look darling!
girl, your fit is fireeee.
I love the girls that come up with creative shit like you do. :)
fuck that you can wear an outfit with anything you want I do it all time too not heels only
I Love Your Blog, It's super cute!! I like the outfit as well, most girls can't pull off sneakers and skirts/dresses. You did it Well! I am adding you to my "I Heart These Blogs" list! YAY!
This is such a lovely blog you have here! ♥
- if you would like to view my blogs just e-mail me! xoxox
Katy Perry is definitely not the only bow wearer! Absolutely. You look fantastic, I really love all your jewelry and nice work on the denim shirt front! Lucky you x
thank you for my excellent comment on my blog :)
nice workmans shirt, hahaha!
i like how you put a belt over it. i'd almost certainly not be that clever :)
x x x x x x x
love the outfit,i really should check out car boot sales..LOOK magazine says the westren look is big in for spring:)lols:)
you work in trainer heaven,literally:)
i keep getting the ed comments on like every post!
and yeah--they are gorgeous but the inticate beading WILL fall off afetr one wash..or you could not be a dunzo like me and handwash it..lols
i loveee that outfit! :)
and in reply to your comment, no i didn't see the amy winehouse bit, but i'm hopefully going again soon and will try to get a photo. :D
@ the Kweenz Destroy watchmen: I know I loved it, That's exactlly how it was I kept wanting to know more like omg whats going on, it was cool! lol love the outfit!!
love your outfit!
your sneakers are so nice!ahh you make me want one ;)
they have GORGEOUS high tops in topshop now. i want!
you always have the cutest hair clips!
im completely in loveeeeeee with ur scence of style i just started bloging nd it would be cool if u tlked about ur style on my blog
Ooh I love that outfit :)
What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!
Canvas Prints From Photos
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