Monday. The day me and Stephie worked together at Draper's. Just an average day today, nothing overly-interesting. We had to write up the features editor's problem pages, I had the fun questions and Stephie had ones about till systems. I was writing about swimwear and jewellery, and never realised how much profit a retailer makes! Take for instant By Caprice swimwear which starts from £5.50! How barginlicious, no wonder retailers can afford to have sales at unbelievable prices.
We went to Oxford Street after work so Stephie could return a pair of Faith shoes which broke after one wear, you would think that a £25 shoe would last longer no? She might as well have went across the road and got a pair of Primarks, surely they would not break after one wear. I spent another £25 at Primark. It is crazy. Primark needs to go into some sort of solitude so that us ladies can save some pennies. Primark is nuts. How can they bring out new things every single week? I must find out their delivery days so I get first dibs (and sizes) on newbies. Saw three lovely belts today all of which was M/L. I was going to buy it, but it went around me 1 and a half times which would not have worked...or maybe I should have bought it and twisted it down....DAMMIT!!!! Must go back soon!!
Also I got these pictures tagged of me which are quite funny. Look how much fun I have at work....

Look how much I love Reebok Freestyles...I live in one. I look like a cardboard cutout.

haha i love those pics. Soo cool and funn.
funny pics!i feel your pain,i have a bad primark habit too.ive added you to my blogroll. xx
Glad you're having fun. Stephie, I didn't publish your Peta comment as I didn't want to embarrass you!
Oh thank you! Lol, i was to shocked with the electrocuting to remember who it was!
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