His hot ass, lean, half naked, tattooed torso was in the faces of every woman who travelled on the London underground, who looked up onto the side of the big red London bus. You would walk past his face (and body ;-D) on the way to your designated Underground platform, whilst you waited that mere 2 minuted for the next train, whilst you walked on Oxford Street and stared at the buses waiting at the traffic lights, whilst those buses picked up customers; it was a delightful sight indeed. Forget about the Levi 501 relaunch advertising campaign, forget about denim altogether! We wanted to know "who the MAN be!", I did anyway...and so did many of my buddies.
Oh how I loved it.
Anyway, the point of this post is. Beech has disappeared of the London billboards, advertising spaces on the Underground and the friggin' buses. Yes, I know adverts are forever changing...but, how I miss this particular campaign's attempt to make me buy some Levis. It made my day that much brighter. It made for conversations between my buddies. Man, it made me bloody smile (and stare). And now, instead, we have a sneezing (with a hella load of saliva) middle-aged man to ogle on the walk to the designated Underground platform and whilst we wait for the trains to come (2mins seems a lot longer now...) Swine flu is fatal, it is more important than a bit of eye candy, but...I can't help but be disappointed.

If Josh Beech told me to "Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.", I would do it in a hot minute. I hear he hangs out in Bromley pubs, I think I need to go on a Bromley Pub crawl.
(*sigh*, he feels my disappointment too)
(This is Josh's - yes, we are on first name terms ahem - get up when he frequents Bromely pubs ;-D)
(I have ran out of witty photo comments. Just look. And appreciate.)
I love this snish track, Wishing Well. Check snish Myspace for a better quality version, this really just sounds like noise but its the best YouTube has to offer...
I think I may make "Hot Damn, What a Man" a regular feature on the blog. My buddy, CocoPine, has "Man Meat" (rather graphic, I know haha!) on her blog and she never, ever features any guys to my taste. In your face beettcchh, I got me my own ;-D.
Thank you ladies and gentleman, Josh Beech has debuted in Hot Damn, What a Man on Leopard Print and Lace. Hope you enjoyed ;-). Click on COUTE QUE COUTE for an amazing Josh Beech collage, oh, and each photograph is high resolution.
Wow that man is hot. Wish I could see that add every morning walking that long walk to the busses. We have a half-naked Keira with a photoshopped boob for Chanel..
he certainly looks hot in the levi ad. he looks kinda thuggish in the other one. still something about him lol. thanks for bringing this to my attention :D
will check out his music
hahahaha the first picture is my desktop background!!!! i love him!!!!
check out my post on him from a while ago
hahaaa... i look forward to your future choices of hot guys.
glad ur back and yes i drew it.
Ew I hate the Swine flu adverts too. Gross. I definitely say bring back the eye candy and adverts that make me want to shop rather than look the other way.
lool!!! i just had an image of u stalkin around Bromley pubs!!!!! he's cute.....but u kno my type rach, we need a 'manly' man, this ones too scrawny!!!!
I just now looked through ur blog and im wondering how many pairs of kicks do u have? Have u ever counted 'em? Anyways i looooove sneakers!!!!
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