Sunday, 17 January 2010

Sweet Samira

Good willing, want, need, a load of lust, many window shopping trips to Kurt Geiger (and any Kurt Geiger stockist for that matter), a Kurt Geiger sale...oh, and also my lovely generous sister, have all contributed to bringing these bad ass Samira boots into my life.


I remember it was a clear, yet breezy Septembers day when I first set my eyes upon the Samira boots. September, September, September: it took three months before I could get my greasy little mitts on them. I wrote about them twice, here and here. And now, all thanks to my sister who just happened to walk into a Kurt Geiger sale and found them for £99, they are mine, £150 less. "Heeeelllloooo Christmas present for my lovely big sister", must have been the thoughts whirling through that ever so considerate brain of hers.

The first time I wore them out :-)! I do have a teeny little complaint about them, the ruffles. They just so not sit! It is so annoying having to constantly adjust the strap to the heel so that the ruffles stay where I want them. When they do stay, for however long they decide too, the Samira booty is an absolute angel!
2010 guys, its 2010!

I am really trying to post more regularly, just like I used to when I first started out. I am going to post about everything and anything I desire, this is MY (and Stephie's) blog after all! I really need to stop worrying about what people think because I end up questioning myself, not just within blogging and writing, but also with every other aspect of my life. Which in turn, me'thinks, has led to confidence issues? AhHhhhhahahah what a loser! So anyway, for 2010 -yes, a bit late, one month in -I am going to get back on my blogging grind, fix up my time management problems (quite possible the most pathetic reason to get pulled up about at work and LOOSE MONEY OVER, SMH), get organised (what happened? I was THE most organised person when I was at university, organisation was my OCD!), read more and more and more, write more and more and more, shop less (...still in consideration, not set in stone yet...) and travel more.

The Noodle wants to travel, she wants to explore!

Save money, and then use it to get the hell out of London for short periods of time...anywhere, everywhere, I want to go there, I want to be there. Sweden, France, Mauritius, New York, Portugal. I want to add more to the list, so...

Goa, India...Booked, Booked and Booked!! My first trip to Asia. I will be in India in two months. Fugging Awesome. Never thought those words would come out of my mouth or typed with the tips of my fingers. Goa, India, two months time. Cannot wait.

Where next? Who knows.


Kb said...

Great to see you're back, loving the tights by the way. I'm in NYC now and loving it!

Winnie said...

Wow, I recently met a friend from GOA and from all her photos, it's a stunning place! You're going to have an amazing time!

Love those boots and so bargainous!!

I kind of understand where you're coming from with the confidence issues. I might be coming from another angle to you, but I don't keep my blog a secret, I just choose not to tell many people about it and feel wierd when friends DO come over and check it out. I hate feeling judged but....I guess I gotta get on with it because I love writing the blog :)

So glad to see you're back too!

Rachie-Pie said...

KB- your in NY! get the fuck outta here..I haven't been on your blog..or anyone elses for yonks..need to read up

winnie! - im the same, I don't keep it a secret but I don't broadcast it either..I HATE when people I know discovers it! so cringey :-S

Ally said...

India!! Nice ^^
Hope you will have fun there.
Come visit France too lol.

I'm so in love with your tights, I want the same.


rio de` said...

Ya tights? Sickkk.

And as for the questioning, girl I've always liked the content you've posted. whether fashion, personal, creative, whatevvvva.

So please, stick with it. I'd want someone to tell me likewise.

And india? Cotdamnnn you are adventureous! <3

Jet said...

Oh,your blog is very nice .I really like it ^^!

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goldie.c said...

damn love your style...

...and your 10000 pairs of nikes :)

kiss&hug goldie.c

Lali said...

Like your outfit. :)

Astérisque said...

love this tights. they are amazing!

Lana. said...

Whoaaa those boots are mad cooool! And nice that you're blogging again.

itsblacksuga said...

Those boots, Those stockings x)

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